
Fair Trade:

By purchasing any fair trade items, you make a real difference in someone's life. Few gifts give to the receiver, the giver and the maker of the gift. Your gift has been handcrafted or cultivated by a small-scale Artisian or Farmer. It is an opportunity for them, for you and the person who gave you this gift: To build a strong community, to embrace a better lifstyle, and to eradicate poverty wherever it resides. Your purchase provides vital, fair income to the artisian who created this gift. Hope and Justice with every purchase.


The mixing of drugs by a compounding pharmacist to fit the unique needs of a patient. This may be done for medically necessary reasons, such as to change the form of the medication from a solid pill to a liquid, to avoid a non-essential ingredient that the patient is allergic to, or to obtain the exact dose needed. It may also be done for voluntary reasons, such as adding favorite flavors to a medication. Commercially available medication is only available in pre-determined strengths. A patient needing a fractional dose is left with the task of trying to divide up a commercial dose into an odd fraction accurately, then be able to swallow the medicine without gagging because what once was coated is now acosting the taste buds directly.

Veterinary Compounding allows veterinarian to prescribe medicine for pets that are either not available in a strength suitable for the pet, cannot be administered to the specific pet in the forms commercially available, or that would not be readily accepted by the pet.

Before mass production of medications became normal, compounding was a routine activity among pharmacists. Community pharmacists who have experience with compounding techniques are now less common. Let us help you with all your medication compounding meeds here at Lake Mahopac Pharmacy & Surgical.

Medication Delivery Forms:

Transdermal, Suspension, Solution, Emulsion, Topical, Capsule, Inhalation, Otic Drop, Opthalmic Drop, Parenteral, Rectal Suppository, Vet Chews, & injectable.

All pet and human flavors available.